Version Control with Git and GitHub
Reference links:
Table of contents
- What Version Control is and why you should care
- Standard Git operations
- Standard GitHub utilities
- More advanced processes
What Version Control is and why you should care
Version control stores a complete history of the codebase, including information about what changed, when and by whom. This has many advantages:
- Can revert changes that broke something.
- Can identify at what point in time something broke and what changes occured at that time. For each line of code you can literally find out when it was introduced and by whom.
- Can review someone's changes compared to what the code looked like before those changes.
- Can maintain multiple code branches, for example a release/fixes branch, an experimental branch that tries to change something on the server side, another experimental branch that tries to change the UI and so on.
- Can have multiple people contribute to the same code without worrying about overwriting each other's work.
- Can allow people to offer changes, and choose whether you will incorporate them or not. Makes it easy to review what those changes are.
Git, GitHub and related concepts
Git is a program that works on your computer and maintains a repository of your program's evolution over time. It was initially created by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, in order to host the Linux Kernel.
- A repository is essentially a managed directory on your computer on which git maintains a project. All this information is stored in a hidden subdirectory called ".git".
- The fundamental building block of any version control system is a commit. It contains:
- Information about which prior commit it is based off.
- A set of changes to the codebase, often called a diff.
- A timestamp of when these changes where committed.
- Author information about who committed these changes.
- A brief message written by the author about the commit.
- Commits in git are named via md5 hashes. So you'll see commits with names like
, and for almost all purposes you can use the first 5-6 characters from that as an identifier of the commit.
- A branch is a series of commits, each based off the previous one. It is usually represented by the last commit in the chain, and you can follow the links from it back all the way to the start. The whole repository has in this sense a tree structure, with the leaves representing different branches.
- It is very common practice to start a new branch in order to explore some ideas, then discard it or merge it to the main branch as appropriate. Creating a new branch is cheap and easy to do.
- Git allows the notion of remote repositories, which establish a link between this repository and some repository that lives in another place (typically access via the web). This way you can have a "main repository" that all the individual team members' repositories connect to and update. There are various names for these remote repositories depending on use case, like "origin" or "upstream". We will discuss these further later.
GitHub is one of many websites that offer an ecosystem around git repositories. Many other similar websites have similar features as described here.
- It gives you a place to remotely store your repositories, and then clone them into any machine that needs to use them.
- It allows project management via "issues tracker", with issues, milestones and labels.
- It facilitates project sharing and contributing to open source projects via forks and pull requests.
- It provides a Wiki for project documentation.
- It offers a way to automatically create a web page from a branch or folder in your project.
- Your GitHub page is effectively a part of your resume, and employers may look at it.
- When working with a Git repository, there are three important concepts to keep in mind:
- The repository, which holds all the different commits and branches of your project. Typically you are looking at a particular commit at any given time, and that is termed the HEAD.
- The working directory is the state of your current directory. Typically you started from a certain commit state at the HEAD of a branch. Then you changed some files, perhaps added some new files. You have not made any commits of these yet. All these constitute your working directory.
- The staging area or index is an intermediate state of your changes. Looking at all the files in your working directory that differ from the HEAD, you can choose which ones or which parts of ones to include into your next commit. You then place those into the index. This step is typically called "staging".
- When you create a commit, that commit is based off the staging area and it contains exactly the differences that you staged into the index.
- So a typical workflow when working on a particular local issue would be as follows:
- Switch to an appropriate branch to work on. This turns the entire directory into the state that the head of that branch looks like. The HEAD points to this latest commit in that branch.
- Pull the most recent changes from the remote repository.
- Make changes to files, add new files etc.
- Review these changes, and stage some or all of those stages for commit.
- Make a commit. This creates a new commit based off of the commit at the HEAD, and also changes the HEAD to now point to our new commit.
- Rinse and repeat
- Push the various commits you made back to the remote repository.
Standard Git operations
Git is a command-line tool, to be precise a collection of such tools. We will describe those tools in this section. It is worth noting however, that there are various graphical interfaces that you can use to access most of these same functions. You can find many of those, many free, here. GitKraken in particular looks quite nice. We start with a brief list of the various "verbs":
starts a new repository. -
clones/copies a repository, typically to create a local copy of it. The intent is to directly contribute to the repository. -
copies a repository, with the intent of possibly advancing the project to a new direction. A forked repository does not directly communicate with its "source" repository, while a cloned repository does. -
shows information about the current status of the repository, index, head and other information. -
adds changes to files, or even completely new files, to the staging area/index. A precursor to committing. -
marks a file to be removed from the repository (and often deleted at the same time). The repository will stop tracking this file. -
shows you difference between specified commits of your repository and or the index or working directory. Used to determine what will be committed. -
creates a new commit. -
shows a history of prior commits. -
allows you to temporarily "hide" changes you've made, and produce a clean working directory. Often needed when changing branches or performing other directory changes. -
allows you to switch to a new branch or go to a specific commit. This changes what the working directory and index look like. -
can clear up the working directory and/or index, and bring them to some specific state. -
communicates your newly added local commits to a remote repository. -
retrieve commits from a remote repository. -
is used to merge a branch's changes into another branch. -
allows restructuring of the commit history and shifting branches so they have a new start location. -
allows you to select a commit from anywhere and apply its effects to your current working directory.
Some of these are more advanced. We will now examine them in more detail. This section is broken into parts:
- Starting a repository
- Reviewing repository state
- Making Commits
- Managing branches
- Working with remotes
Starting a repository
There are two main ways to start a repository. You can turn any directory in your computer into a repository via git init
git init
This will turn the current directory into a repository. The other way to start a repository is to git clone
an existing repository. For instance the following line will clone the GitHub repository hosting this file into a directory called tutorial-git
git clone tutorial-git
This will download the entire state of the repository into that folder, and also set up remote repository links from our local clone to the GitHub repository. This is typically the easiest way around; create a repository in GitHub first, then clone it to your computer.
Reviewing repository state
There couple of tools help you with determining your current repository state.
First off is git status
$ git status
On branch gh-pages
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/gh-pages'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
This tells us some key information:
- We are currently working on the gh-pages branch, and HEAD points to the head of the gh-pages branch.
- Our branch is related to a branch called
in the remote repository calledorigin
, and we are currently in sync with it. On some occasions we might be ahead by some commits, meaning we've made some commits that we have not pushed to the remote yet, or the remote might be ahead meaning we have not updated our local repository with that remote information. - Next we have a list of files that have had changes that are staged. When we make a commit, these changes will be committed. In this case it seems we have modified a file, called
. git also tells us how we would "unstage" a change. - Next we have a list of files in the working directory that have some changes done to them, but we have not yet committed them. In this case it seems again that the
file also has some changes that have not been staged. This is an important option that git offers us: Only some of the changes in that file are scheduled for commit right now, and some others are staying put, waiting a later commit perhaps. You can choose parts of a file to stage.
There is also a "short" version of the output:
$ git status -s
The first M says that there are changes in this file that are staged, the second says that there are also changes that are not staged yet.
git log
shows us the history of recent logs. It has lots of options that you can find out by doing git log --help
or by reading the documentation. A particularly nice option is the "oneline" logs:
$ git log --oneline
3fcd19b Create gh-pages branch via GitHub
8e8ec9e Creating git sections
31b4fa1 Create gh-pages branch via GitHub
ad68152 Start on state section
35362d7 Initial Commit
This simply tells us, in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest commit, what the commit's hash is and what the message is.
You can do a lot more with log, like restrict it to only showing commits that changed a particular file:
$ git log --oneline --
8e8ec9e Creating git sections
ad68152 Start on state section
35362d7 Initial Commit
git diff
allows us to visually see the differences between commits. Its output might look something like this:
$ git diff
diff --git a/ b/
index 953c5ed..ab7f849 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -138,6 +138,30 @@ MM
this is the stuff that was in the file before
-this line was there before and is now removed. The minus in front tells us that.
+this is a new line we are adding.
+This too. And the empty line right below. The plus tells us these are new.
this line existed before
A lot of this information is not for human consumption, but you can see that it describes what was added and where in the file it was added: All the lines starting with a plus are new, all the ones starting with a minus are removed, and the others were there before. Most graphical program have a nice color-rich way of showing these differences.
Making Commits
You can stage files for commit via git add
$ git add
This line makes all the changes that were in
to the staging area, to be committed.
If you want to add all the current changes from all files, you can use a dot to refer to the current directory:
$ git add .
Finally if you want to add parts of a file, you can do an interactive add, that brings up a mini interface. You would want to read the documentation on how that works.
$ git add -i
Many GUI clients will offer you a way to do that directly. We will be looking at how we can do this with GitKraken in class.
To commit the staged changes, we use git commit
$ git commit -m "Enter message here"
You can also add the staged changes onto the last commit, instead of creating a new one. Very useful if you forgot to include a file:
$ git commit --amend
Be advised that this would change the last commit you have made. If you have already pushed/synced that commit to the remote repository, bad things can happen. Never make changes to commits that have been synced to a remote!
Resetting allows you to back out of a commit you made that you did not mean to make. It is in general a dangerous operation, and you should only use it if you are sure you know what you are doing. There are three kinds of resets:
$ git reset --mixed
This is the "mixed" reset, which is the default. This will "unstage" all files that were staged for commit. It does not change or delete the files, it simply no longer marks them as ready for commit. We say that it changes the index, but it does not change the working directory.
$ git reset --soft HEAD~
This is a "soft" reset. It does not change your index or your working directory. Files that were staged remain staged, and files that have changes keep those changes. But it does change the commit that is at the HEAD, to instead point to the commit called HEAD~
, which is a notation for the commit before HEAD. Essentially this undoes the last commit. It does not lose the files that that last commit did. It simply puts them back to the "unstaged files" section. It would be as if you had not run git commit
$ git reset --hard
This is a destructive step. It will completely remove what is in the index and working directory, and set them both to the HEAD (or another commit if you specify that at the end of the line). You will lose all the changes you have made. On rare occasions, this is the right thing to do. But it should be avoided. It is however useful if you wanted to "rewind" the current branch to a previous commit, because you realized you did not need it. The documentation offers the following example:
$ git branch experiment
$ git reset --hard HEAD~3
$ git checkout experiment
So what happens here is that we realized that our last 3 commits should have gone in a new branch, called experiment
, instead of our current branch. The first line creates that new branch based off the current commits. The second line resets our current branch to go back 3 commits. The third line then switches us to the experiment
branch to continue working on that.
Managing branches
There are a number of different operations on branches. A branch is nothing more than a chain of commits, marked by a pointer to the newest commit in the branch. As far as Git is concerned the only information in the branch is its name and that pointer to the newest commit.
Creating a branch
We create a new branch via the git branch
$ git branch test
This creates a branch based off the current commit, and calls it test. You could then use git checkout
to switch to it. We could create a new branch and switch to it all at once with the command:
$ git checkout -b test
You can have the branch based off a different commit by specifying it as a next argument.
Switching to a branch
We use git checkout
to switch to a branch:
$ git checkout test
Viewing the different branches
We can get information about the existing branches via the -v
switch in git branch
$ git branch -v
* gh-pages 45e13b6 [ahead 1] Update readme
master 35362d7 Initial Commit
test 45e13b6 Update readme
The asterisk marks the current branch. We see the name of the branch, the latest commit in it, the message of that commit, and in brackets the possible relation of the branch with a remote branch.
There is also a -vv
option that shows us more about the relation to remote branches, along with the names of those branches.
$ git branch -vv
* gh-pages 45e13b6 [origin/gh-pages: ahead 1] Update readme
master 35362d7 [origin/master: gone] Initial Commit
test 45e13b6 Update readme
Deleting a branch
You can delete a branch via the -d
$ git branch -d test
This does NOT actually delete any commits, it just removes the pointer to the commit that used to be at the front of the test
branch. This may however result in commits being deleted, when git does its self-cleaning, which is a form of garbage collection: Any commits that are not reachable in some form starting from one of the branches are subject to deletion. Deleting a branch may put a number of commits in this situation, if the branch has not been merged into another branch.
There are a number of situations when merging is called for, where you have two branches that have diverged in some way and you want to bring them back together. There are two common situations:
- A remote repository has been updated by someone else, and in the meantime you have prepared some commits to make. When you fetch the remote changes, you now have two divergent branches, and you need to somehow bring them back in order.
- You created a branch to try some things out, and in the meantime also made some needed commits to the main branch. Now your changes in your offshoot branch are completed and you want to merge them into the main branch.
This is a complicated situation, with many possible solutions, each with its tradeoff. We will discuss them extensively in the advanced sections.
Working with remotes
Working with remote repositories is a key element of Git, which focuses on "distributed version control". Here we discuss these key elements.
A remote repository is actually a special part of your repository that contains a copy of another repository. You can fetch information from that other repository, and store them in the "remote repository", which is really like a branch in your local repository. You can then decide how best to merge those changes with the work you have been doing in your local repository.
Viewing the remotes
You can see the remote repositories you have access to via git remote
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
You see here in our case that there is a remote called origin
, which points to a GitHub repository. You will notice that there are two different addresses, one for fetching/pulling and one for pushing. While the addresses for those two are typically the same, in certain workflows they are not.
You can also view the branches from the remote that you have decided to work with locally, via something like:
$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL:
Push URL:
HEAD branch: gh-pages
Remote branch:
gh-pages tracked
Local branches configured for 'git pull':
gh-pages merges with remote gh-pages
master merges with remote master
Local ref configured for 'git push':
gh-pages pushes to gh-pages (fast-forwardable)
This gives us information about which branches are set up to work on git pull
and which are set up to work with git push
, along with some other information.
The branches can be accessed with something like origin/gh-pages
and in many ways behave like normal branches. We can for instance review the work in such a branch with:
$ git log origin/gh-pages --oneline
Tracking a remote branch
If you want to start tracking a new remote branch, you can do so with:
$ git checkout --track origin/newbranchName
This will create a new branch called newbranchName
and set it to track the remote branch, so we can easily push and pull.
Pushing and Pulling
In order to push your commits to the remote branch, you would use git push
, with or without specifying the repository (it will use the one that the current branch is tracking if you don't specify) and also optionally specifying a specific branch to push:
$ git push origin master
This will only work if the remote branch isn't ahead of the local branch. If someone has pushed some changed to the remote in the meantime, you would be asked to fetch those changes first and incorporate them into your work, before pushing.
In order to bring new changes in, you have to "fetch" the remote branch:
$ git fetch origin
This will update the "local" remote branch with any changes from the server, but it would not yet merge these changes into your local branch. In other words, this would update origin/gh-pages
but not our gh-pages
branch. That would require a further merge. What you want most of the time is a git pull
$ git pull origin
This fetches and then merges. Oftentimes what you want is instead a rebase:
$ git pull --rebase
This is particularly useful: Say that you created some commits, and in the meantime someone pushed their changes to the remote repository. Your changes have nothing to do with theirs, so if you had pulled their changes first before creating your commits you would have had a nice linear structure to the commits. But instead you now have two diverging commits. What "rebasing" will do is fetch the remote changes, then "replay" your changes as if they had happened after those remote changes. This way you can maintain the linear structure of the commits. Rebasing is an important technique, and we will discuss it further in the advanced sections.
Standard GitHub utilities
In GitHub you review commits, and mostly create and discuss issues.
You should create a GitHub account and treat it as part of your resume. Setting up an account is fairly straightforward and we will not cover it further.
You will also likely need to generate SSH tokens, as described here.
GitHub has extensive documentation. We will only cover some basics here.
When you look at a repository for a project in GitHub, the main page contains the a number of different tabs:
- The Code tab allows us to browse the current state of the repository, as well as review the various commits that have occured so far, and look at the various different branches, where applicable.
- The Issues tab allows us to create and identify issues that need to be addressed, and to commment and discuss them. Each issue comes with an associated number, and commits can be linked to those issues via an appropriate text in the commit message. Issues can be further organized by the use of milestones and labels.
- Pull Requests are a critical part of collaborative work with GitHub, especially valuable when contributing to open source projects. When you start with someone's repository and take in a certain direction, you can then offer these changes back via a pull request. The author of the original repository can then decide whether to accept these or not, and a discussion can be had.
- Projects are a relatively new feature in GitHub. Projects allow you to organize together issues and ad-hoc notes into custom columns, and manage the progress of the overall project that way.
- An optional Wiki allows the creation of documentation in relation to the application you are developing. In many cases, other means of documentation are preferable.
Reviewing code and commits in GitHub
The Code tab allows you to navigate your codebase. By default it shows what happens in the current branch, but you can change that. There are a number of actions you can take from the Code tab:
- Navigating to any particular file, you can edit it right there in your web browser, and create a commit that way. It is in general to be avoided, but it is certainly possible.
- You can create a new pull request based off the currently viewed branch.
- You can browse the various commits, and either see how they differ from the previous state, or browse the entire repository as it was at that point in time.
- When viewing a commit's difference from the previous state, you can also interject comments inbetween any lines, or comment on the overall commit, at the bottom of the page.
GitHub Issues
The Issues tab allows us to work with issues and set tasks. To begin with you see a list of open issues, and you can filter and sort the list in various ways, as well as globally operate on multiple issues.
- Clicking on an individual issue takes you to the issue's page.
- An issue has a title and some main text, as well as a longer comment. There can be many "replies" to an issue, creating a discussion.
- Commits can be linked to a particular issue by adding something like "ref #24" or "close #24" to the commit message. They will then appear as part of the issue discussion.
- In the comment section for an issue you can use GitHub-flavored Markdown, a simple and powerful text-based format style.
- You can also create "task lists" that you can check off as you make progress on the issue.
- Issues can be assigned one or more "labels" (bug, enhancement, or your own custom labels).
- Issues can be assigned to a "milestone". Milestones simply collect tasks together and can have set deadlines for completion.
- Issues can be assigned to a specific developer.
- Issues can refer to other issues in the comments section.
- You can catch another developer's attention by including something like
in a message. They will typically receive an email about it.
GitHub Projects
More advanced processes
- Forks and pull requests
- Rewriting history via rebase